The General Preferences allow you to customize settings for the following sections:
- application
- notification tray
- file types
- confirmations


- Choose the language MusicBee should use for the user interface. Different languages are made available by the MusicBee user community.
- If you don't see your language listed here, maybe it's being made available on the MusicBee support forum. Check to find you language or start contributing your own!.
- Check for updates on startup
tick to allow MusicBee to check for more recent versions and show you an alert.
- Run as a portable application
check this box to let MusicBee to store all application data (user settings, album arts cache, lyrics, etc) in the application install folder, instead of using the operating system user folder. (Moves APPDATA to the MUSICBEE install folder)
if selected, MusicBee will start minimized.
- show splash screen on startup
untick to disable the splash screen on startup.
choose the location where MusicBee will display when minimized.Available options are: Taskbar Notification Tray. Note that in Windows 7 icons are hidden by default in the notification tray Mini Player, a minimized version of MusicBee's interface. For additional information, see <link TODO>
Compact Player, a compact version of MusicBee's interface. For additional information, see <link TODO>
by pressing this button, you can locate the graphic file (*.ico) to use as MusicBee's icon. This icon will be displayed in the taskbar and in the title bar.
Notification tray

check if you want MusicBee's icon to be always visible in the tray bar, even if the application window is also visible.
- single click [double click] action
select the action to be performed when single [double] clicking MusicBee's tray icon.
Available options are:
Show Main Window, to restore/focus the application main window
Show Mini Player, TODO
Show Track Information, to show a popup with information on the currently playing track
Play/Pause, to toggle play/pause
Set Volume, TODO
File types

This will set the selected files to be played with Musicbee when opened from Windows Explorer. There will also be a set of options when right clicking a selected file type.

- warn when duplicate tracks are added to a playlist
check this if you want MusicBee to display a warning popup when you add duplicate tracks to a playlist, for example by using drag and drop or the context menu item to send a selection to a playlist. The criterium used to detect duplicate tracks is <the file name? full path? TODO>, meaning that tracks with the same title are considered different if located in different places on the file system.
- confirm pasting tags from one file into another file
MusicBee allows you to copy all the tags of a track and pasting them to another one, by selecting the source track, pressing Ctrl+C, then selecting the destination track and pressing Ctrl+V.
Since this operation can't be undone automatically, you can prevent to accidentally overwrite the destination track tags by telling MusicBee to ask for confirmation.
- confirm deletion of tracks from playlists
you can set MusicBee to show a confirmation popup when deleting tracks from a playlist. In the same popup you can also choose to delete the track from the playlist and from your computer: in this case, not only the track will be removed from the playlist, but the corresponding file will also be deleted.
- confirm picture storage options when adding artwork
- confirm deletion of artwork that is no longer referenced
- confirm removal of dead links when rescanning library
When you rescan your music library, either through the Insert key or from File> "Rescan/Add file" MusicBee automatically recognizes if dead links exist (files that are in your library but are not physically on your computer anymore). If checked a confirmation message will appear every time dead links are found.
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